Monthly Archives: September 2014

Our customers keep raving about our gluten-free products. We do make our own gluten-free mixes. Here’s the formula for our favorite one. While it’s not suitable for everything we make that’s gluten free, we do use it whenever we can. Almond Gluten-Free Flour Mix 140 g sorghum four 150 g potato starch 50 g almond meal 3 g xanthan gum For more tips and tricks, check out our Baking Tip Tuesday archives. Happy Baking!...
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We’ve all had that bag or box of brown sugar that turned into a brick. Did you know you can bring it back to life? Stick a piece of bread in it and seal it back up for a day or two and the moisture in the sugar will suck up the moisture from the bread, making it soft again. For more tips and tricks, check out our Baking Tip Tuesday archives. Happy Baking!...
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Apple season is here! It’s time to start making pies, crisps, chips, and all kinds of delicious autumn treats. An important thing to remember when picking your apples is that not all apples are created equal. Some apples are best for eating, some for baking, some for turning into sauce, etc. Check out the New York State Apple Association’s Apple Variety Guide including detailed descriptions of many varieties of apple including their best uses. For more varieties, contact your local orchard. For more tips...
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